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대한항공 노동자들 조양호 조현민 조현아 일가 퇴출 데모 BBC 보도

by 원시 2018. 5. 5.

대한항공 노동자들 가이 폭스 가면 쓰고, "조양호 퇴진하라" 외치다.

조현아 땅콩 회항 당시 승무원  박창진은 "우리 노동자들은 조양호 일가의 권력 남용을 더이상 못 참겠다 ! 조씨 일가는 회사를 떠나라"고 주장했다.

Korean Air: Masked staff protest against company family

The staff protesting against their employer wore Guy Fawkes masks to hide their identities

Hundreds of Korean Air employees, many wearing masks to hide their identity, have taken to the streets of Seoul to vent their anger about the company's controlling family.

Passersby joined in as they shouted slogans demanding the resignation of the airline's chairman, Cho Yang-ho.

A slew of incidents of bad behaviour have put his family among the country's most notorious super-rich.

In the latest episode, his younger daughter lost her temper at a meeting.

Cho Hyun-min denied throwing a drink at an attendee but admitted shoving the advertising agency manager, when police questioned her on Tuesday.

Some of those joining Friday's protests were incensed as it emerged that prosecutors had rejected a police request to arrest her over claims there had been attempts to influence witnesses.

The family were first thrust into the spotlight for the wrong reasons in 2014 when Hyun-min's older sister, Hyun-ah, infamously delayed a flight over a packet of nuts. She was sacked and went on to spend five months in jail.

Earlier this year, she was appointed to another executive role, only to resign again recently alongside her younger sister.


Police now say they are also investigating claims of verbal and physical abuse by her mother, Lee Myung-hee.

Customs officials are also looking into whistle-blowers' assertions that for years the family have used Korean Air flights to smuggle luxury goods into the country while avoiding import tariffs.


The scandal seems set to grow amid a wave of staff sharing and reporting alleged fresh incidents of bad behaviour


Company chairman Cho Yang-ho's younger daughter, Cho Hyun-min, is the latest forced to resign after being embroiled in controversy

"We can't put up with Cho family's abuses any more," Park Chang-jin, a flight attendant involved in the "nut rage" incident, told his protesting co-workers, according to Reuters news agency. "Cho family, leave the company!"

Some of them were towing luggage and seemed to have gone straight to the candlelit rally after stepping off flights, said local reports.

"No mercy!" others yelled.

Family patriarch Cho Yang-ho (who is also chairman of the Hanjin chaebol, or conglomerate, which owns Korean Air) has apologised for his family's behaviour, but the scandal seems set to grow.

Scores of staff members have joined an online chat forum to report alleged further incidents of wrongdoing.

The Guy Fawkes mask is a stylised depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot

The plot was an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605, in order to restore a Catholic head of state. The use of a mask on an effigy has long roots as part of Guy Fawkes Night celebrations.