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redeem 뜻. redeemer (예수-구세주, 저당물을 되찾는 사람, 죄를 씻는 사람. 빌린 돈을 갚는 사람 = 상환자. ) redeemable. irredeemable.

by 원시 2022. 7. 10.

교환 불가능한. 더 향상될 수 없는. 구제-구원이 불가능한. 속죄가 불가능한. irredemmable -impossible to change or make better.


irredeemable sinners.


(참고, beyond, without redemption)



the redemption of his reputation (그 명예.이름의 복구, 회복)

 a sinner's search for redemption (죄인이 명예회복을 위해 애쓰다. 속죄하다)




Redeem. 동사. 약속이나 의무를 이행하다. 


redeem a promise/an obligation





1 to do something that you promised to do.


Redeem yourself.

명예 회복을 위해 좋은 일을 하다. 그래서 다른 사람들이 너를 좋은 사람이라고 생각하게 만들다.  to do something good because you have behaved badly, so that people will think you are a good person again He was anxious to redeem himself after the fight that morning.




Redeem 뜻.


improve something - 어떤 것을 향상시키다. 더 좋게 만들다.

receive value of shares.  해당 몫을 받다. 

use voucher. 바우처를 사용하다.

pay back money.  상환하다. 돈을 갚다. 

save someone from evil. 어떤 사람을 악으로부터 구제 (구원)하다. 기독교.




1.어떤 것을 향상시키다. 더 좋게 만들다.

to improve something that is not very good by including something that is good

A difficult year for the company was redeemed by one very successful deal.


redeeming feature: Smith’s only redeeming feature is that he knows his job.


Synonyms and related words


To make something better






2. 회사 주식을 팔아서 (매각해서) 현금을 갖다. 

to get money by selling shares that you own in a company



3. 바우처를 사용하다.


to use a voucher (=a piece of paper worth a particular amount) to pay for something


4. 저당잡힌 물건을 다시 되찾다. 

to get an object again by paying someone the money that they paid you for it, especially when the money was a type of loan.

[redeem a pawned watch / car / house]


She couldn’t afford to redeem her wedding ring from the pawnbroker.




4a. 빌린 돈을 갚다. 

to give all the money that you have borrowed to the person who you borrowed it from.


They will redeem their debts over a period of years.



5.  기독교에서, 사람을 악의 권력으로부터 자유롭게 만들다. 악의 구렁텅이에서 구제하다. 죄로부터 벗어나게 만들다.

redeem a person from sin.


to make someone free from the power of evil, especially in the Christian religion.