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Interior minister 국내 현안 담당 장관. 내무부 장관.

by 원시 2022. 4. 18.

interior Minister . 인테리어 명사 의미.
국내 정치, 국가의 현안
내무부 장관.


in·​te·​ri·​or | \ in-ˈtir-ē-ər  \
Definition (Entry 1 of 2)
1: lying, occurring, or functioning within the limiting boundaries : INNER
//an interior point of a triangle
2: belonging to mental or spiritual life
//a simple interior piety
3: belonging to the inner constitution or concealed nature of something
//interior meaning of a poem
4: lying away or remote from the border or shore
Definition (Entry 2 of 2)
1: the inner or spiritual nature : CHARACTER
2: the interior part (as of a country or island)
3: the internal or inner part of a thing : INSIDE
4: the internal affairs of a state or nation
5: a representation (as in a play or movie) of the interior of a building
Other Words
in​te​ri​or​ly \ in-ˈtir-ē-ər-lē  \ adverb
Synonyms & Antonyms
Synonyms: Adjective
cerebral, inner, intellectual, internal, mental, psychological (also psychologic)
Synonyms: Noun
innards, inside, within
Antonyms: Adjective
exterior, external, outer, outside, outward
Antonyms: Noun
exterior, outside
//a large car with lots of interior room
//the novel's characters have plenty of adventures, but their interior lives are never explored
//a black car with gray leather interior
//the interior of the house
//They traveled deep into the interior of Australia.
First Known Use
15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1
1596, in the meaning defined at sense 1
History and Etymology
Middle French & Latin; Middle French interiore, from Latin, comparative of Old Latin *interus inward, on the inside; akin to Latin inter