(컴퓨터, 비행기, 건축물)에 새로운 혹은 고친 부품,장비를 제공하다.
- 이전에 만들어진 (제품)에다 (새로운 혹은 고친 장비를) 설치하다.
새 목적 혹은 필요에 적응하다. 수정하다. 고치다. 변경하다.
ret·ro·fit ˈre-trō-ˌfit ˌre-trō-ˈfit
retrofitted or retrofit; retrofitting; retrofits
Synonyms of retrofit
transitive verb
(컴퓨터, 비행기, 건축물)에 새로운 혹은 고친 부품,장비를 제공하다.
- 이전에 만들어진 (제품)에다 (새로운 혹은 고친 장비를) 설치하다.
새 목적 혹은 필요에 적응하다. 수정하다. 고치다. 변경하다.
: to furnish (something, such as a computer, airplane, or building) with new or modified parts or equipment not available or considered necessary at the time of manufacture
: to install (new or modified parts or equipment) in something previously manufactured or constructed
: to adapt to a new purpose or need : MODIFY
retrofit the story for a new audience
Did you know?
The concept of retrofitting became an urgent necessity during World War II, when weapons technology was advancing at an intense pace and planes and ships were becoming outdated even before their construction was complete, and the only solution was to retrofit the completed craft with the brand-new technology. Retrofitting was revived on a massive scale during the energy crisis of the 1970s, when new features were added to millions of old houses to make them more energy-efficient. Retrofitting is thus different from merely renovating, which may not involve any new technology at all.
Examples of retrofit in a Sentence
The factory has been retrofitted to meet the new safety regulations.
We can retrofit your car with the new fuel system.
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