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LCB Gower,The principles of modern company law. 근대 기업법.

by 원시 2022. 3. 11.

LCB Gower,The principles of modern company law.

“근대 기업의 성장으로 인해 경제적 권력 집중이 발생했다. 이러한 경제권력은 근대 국가와 경쟁할 정도로 세졌다. 자기 이익이 걸려있을 때는 기업은 국가를 지배하려 했다. 따라서 회사법은 새로운 경제 국가를 위한 하나의 잠재적 헌법으로 간주될 것이고, 회사의 영업활동이 점차 경제적 정치가 덕목의 성격을 띠게 된다.” (벌리, 민즈 1932년. 근대 기업과 사적 소유 A.Berle and G.Means, The Modern Corporation and Private Property.p.357)


근대 저자들의 제안. 오늘날 대기업은 이윤의 극대화를 목표로 하지 않고, 수요와 공급 법칙의 명령을 따르기 보다는, 시장 조건과 소비자 수요의 창조자이다. 이게 옳다면, 우리 회사법 상당 부분을 재고해야 이론이 필요하다.



“The rise of the modern corporation has brought a concentration of economic power which can compete on equal terms with the modern state…. Where its own interests are concerned, it even attempts to dominate the state…. The law of corporations, accordingly, might well be considered as a potential constitutional law for the new economic state, while business practice is increasingly assuming the aspect of economic statesmanship.”

LCB Gower. The Principles of Modern Company Law.(London:Stevens).1969.3rd edition.


A.Berle and G.Means, The Modern Corporation and Private Property.(1932).

A.Berle and G.Means, The Modern Corporation and Private Property.(1932).

