4월 28일 일터 사망 노동자 애도의 날 제정
National Day of Mourning, Workers' Mourning Day
1983년 캐나다 노동운동가 콜린 램버트와 레이 센티스가 제안함.
캐나다 서드베리에서 최초로 매년 4월 28일을 '일터 사망자 애도의 날'로 지정한 이후, 캐나다 전역과 다른 나라로 퍼져나갔다.
캐나다 공공노조 큐피 (CUPE, Canadian Union of Public Employee)가 그들의 제안을 1984년 총회에서 통과시켰다. 미국 노동조합 총연맹 AFL-CIO는 1989년 "노동자 추모,애도의 날"을 선포했다. 그 이후 100여개 국가에서 '일터 사망 노동자 추모'의 날을 지키고 있다.
아래 기사는 2017년 4월 28일 33주년 맞이해 캐나다 온타리오 주 서드베리에서 개최된 '노동자 애도의 날' 행사이다.
'생명을 위한 실' 모임 회원 조안 웨이드가 일터에서 사망한 100명의 청년 노동자들의 사진과 이름들을 적어넣은 누비이불 퀼트를 제작했다.
조안 웨이드는 아들 브렌트를 사고로 잃어버렸다. 덤프 트럭 운전수였던 브렌트는 철로와 도로 교차로에서 표지판 표시가 제대로 되지 않은 탓에 기차와 충돌하고 말았다. 브렌트 나이는 당시 22세로 사망했다.
1 / 7 Guest speaker Joanne Wade of the group Threads for Life unveiled a large quilt with the photos and names of 100 young people who died at work. (Heather Green-Oliver)
2 / 7 Guest speaker Joanne Wade of the group Threads for Life unveiled a large quilt with the photos and names of 100 young people who died at work. (Heather Green-Oliver)
출처 기사 : https://bit.ly/37dbbPV
3 / 7 Bereaved families were presented with white roses as they read the names of the 48 workers that died or were injured on Inco/Vale property since 1985. (Heather Green-Oliver)
Apr 28, 2017 5:05 PM By: Heather Green-Oliver
Today marked the 33rd annual Day of Mourning for workers who were killed, injured or suffered illness due to workplace conditions.
Following a Day of Mourning ceremony at Fraser Auditorium this morning, hosted by the Sudbury and District Labour Council, the United Steelworkers Local 6500 hosted a second ceremony this afternoon at their hall on Brady Street.
Bereaved families were presented with white roses as they read the names of the 48 workers that died or were injured on Inco/Vale property since 1985.
Sudbury was the first region to declare April 28 as the official Day of Mourning in Canada and the movement spread across the world.
Guest speakers included USW International President Leo Gerard and Joanne Wade from Threads of Life.
Wade's son Brent died on Nov. 9, 1999 while at work Acton, Ontario. The dump truck he was driving was hit by a train at a poorly marked railway crossing. He was 22.
She showed a quilt — a life quilt — with the photos and names of 100 young people who died at work.
On April 6, 2014, Paul Rochette, 36, was killed at Copper Cliff smelter when he was struck in the head by a pin that broke off a crusher and was released like a bullet under pressure. Rochette's co-worker, Justin Stewart, received a concussion and facial lacerations in the same incident.
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