up to snuff: of sufficient quality : meeting an applicable standard.자격(자질)이 충분한. 자격조건을 갖춘. 요구되는 척도나 기준에 맞는.
by 원시
2022. 3. 15.
up to snuff . 자격(자질)이 충분한. 자격조건을 갖춘. 요구되는 척도나 기준에 맞는.
snuff noun (1)
Definition of snuff (Entry 1 of 6)
1: the charred part of a candlewick
2aobsolete : UMBRAGE, OFFENSE
bchiefly Scotland : HUFF
snuff verb (1)
snuffed; snuffing; snuffs
Definition of snuff (Entry 2 of 6)
transitive verb
1: to crop the snuff of (a candle) by pinching or by the use of snuffers so as to brighten the light
2a: to extinguish by or as if by the use of a candlesnuffer —often used with out
b: to make extinct : put an end to —usually used with out
snuffed out their hopes
snuffed the bad guys
snuff it
snuff adjective
Definition of snuff (Entry 3 of 6)
: characterized by the sensationalistic depiction of violence
especially : featuring a real rather than a staged murder
snuff movies
snuff verb (2)
snuffed; snuffing; snuffs
Definition of snuff (Entry 4 of 6)
transitive verb
1: to draw forcibly through or into the nostrils
3: to sniff at in order to examine —used of an animal
intransitive verb
1: to inhale through the nose noisily and forcibly
also : to sniff or smell inquiringly
2obsolete : to sniff loudly in or as if in disgust
3: to take snuff
snuff noun (2)
Definition of snuff (Entry 5 of 6)
: the act of snuffing : SNIFF
snuff noun (3)
Definition of snuff (Entry 6 of 6)
1: a preparation of pulverized tobacco to be inhaled through the nostrils, chewed, or placed against the gums
2: the amount of snuff taken at one time
up to snuff
: of sufficient quality : meeting an applicable standard