앞에 가는 자동차가 서 버리면, 내 차도 가지 못한다. 이런 경우 협력을 한다. 그리고 성취감을 맛본다.
협력의 필요성, 그 이유는 다양하다.
애초에 인간이 이기적이거나 이타적이거나 하지는 않다. 어떤 상황에 부딪혔을 때, '문제 풀이' 과정에서 그러한 여러가지 측면들이 드러날 뿐이다.
[펌] John Carlson
York mills.
Tom Kendall
I grew up in the east end of Toronto and some streets were cobble stone. One such place was in front of my grandparents house on Bellefair Avenue just south of Norway Avenue. It was a hill. We'd stand there waiting for a car to come up the hill. We would push the car. Sometimes the driver would give us a quarter, sometimes not.
Kathleen Cottrell MacDonald
I came up that hill in the fall of, I think 1983 with slick tires on. There is a road you can turn right on but it seemed about 3/4 up. There were cars that stopped and were blocking anyone trying to pass also. The first fall of snow for that year.
Heather Stubbings
I can see the apartment building that my grandparents used to live in at 4000 Yonge St.
Julie Kaine
I remember going up York Mills at Yonge, going westbound during a blizzard-like storm in March 1985. The 401 was a mess so I figured York Mills would be better. I chugged up that hill in my little Tercel, watching bigger, rear-wheel drive cars sliding back down past me.
Mike Watkins
Oh. That hill! Had to look close if it was my friends and me. We used to push cars up that hill every snowstorm. All we wanted was a quick beep or a wave. Never for money?!?
Cindy Attwood Attwood
Those days were the best all the neibours would be out helping each other❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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