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3250억 달러 현금 워런 버핏 (Buffett)에 대해, 마이클 세일러는 그 돈을 비트코인에 투자하라.

by 원시 2024. 11. 24.


뉴스 보도 번역 정리.


마이클 세일러 (마이크로 스트라테지 공동 창립자) 발표.

비트코인으로 하루 5억 달러(약 7조) 를 벌다.

암호화폐로 인해,  지난 2주간 54억 달러 가치 가치 인상.

10월, 마이크로 스트라테지의 주식, 97% 이익, 비트코인 47% 수익 상승.


[선전 광고] 2019년 일론 머스크가 트위터에서 쓴 대로, 100달러를 도지 (Doge)에 투자했다면, 현재 가치는 3200 달러 (즉 32배 증가)이다.


마이클 세일러 주장. 2045년까지 비트코인은 1300만 달러에 육박한다.

이 예측대로면, 비트코인 시장 한도는 250조 달러가 될 것임. 이것은 현재 세계 GDP와 세계주식시장 크기를 능가하는 것이다.


3250억 달러를 현금으로 가지고 있는 워런 버핏 (Buffett)에 대해, 마이클 세일러는 그 돈을 비트코인에 투자하는 것은 좋은 결정이 아니라고 워런 버핏을 비판.



마이클 세일러 회사의 비트코인 보유량 변화

2024년 3월. 19만 3000개 비트코인 소유

2024년 11월 24일 뉴스. 33만 1200개 비트코인 소유.




2022년 8월 비트코인 가격은 2만 2789달러 


2024년 11월 현재 9만 8303 달러.



비트코인 가치의 변화 






Michael Saylor Reveals MicroStrategy Is 'Making $500M A Day' With Bitcoin

Rounak Jain

Sat, November 23, 2024 at 4:00 PM EST 3 min read

Michael Saylor Reveals MicroStrategy Is 'Making $500M A Day' With Bitcoin


MicroStrategy Inc. (NASDAQ:MSTR) co-founder Michael Saylor has revealed that the company is minting $500 million a day as Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) inches closer to $100,000 for the first time in its history.


What Happened: Saylor, who has been all-in on Bitcoin for years now, has revealed an insane statistic – MicroStrategy's holdings of the top cryptocurrency have appreciated by as much as $5.4 billion over the last two weeks.


In an interview with CNBC, Saylor broke down MicroStrategy's gains, saying, "We're making $500 million a day. I'm staring at my screen and we're selling dollar bills for $3, sometimes a million times a minute."




To put things into perspective, MicroStrategy's stock delivered a whopping 97% gain in the last month, while Bitcoin has gained nearly 47%.


Year-to-date, MicroStrategy's stock has gained over 515% while Bitcoin prices have increased by 122%.


Nvidia, the AI bellwether and the world's most valuable company by market capitalization, has seen its stock rise by nearly 195% during this period.


"We may very well be the most profitable company in the U.S. growing the fastest right now. There's not many companies making $500 million a day," Saylor said.


Trending: If you invested $100 in DOGE when Elon Musk first tweeted about it in 2019, here’s how much you’d have today.


Why It Matters: The surge in MicroStrategy’s stock is not just a reflection of Bitcoin’s rising value but also highlights the company’s strategic bet on the cryptocurrency.


Research from BitMEX has shown that MicroStrategy is trading at a 256% premium to the net asset value of its Bitcoin holdings, suggesting a significant valuation disparity driven by its aggressive acquisition strategy.


This premium may be influenced by financial regulations that restrict Bitcoin ETF purchases, pushing investors towards MicroStrategy for exposure.


Furthermore, Saylor’s bold prediction that Bitcoin could reach $13 million by 2045 has sparked discussions about the potential economic implications, including massive hyperinflation.


This prediction, if realized, would elevate Bitcoin’s market cap to $250 trillion, dwarfing the current world GDP and global stock markets.


Amidst these developments, Warren Buffett’s decision to hold $325 billion in cash at Berkshire Hathaway has drawn criticism from Saylor, who argues that not investing in Bitcoin is a missed opportunity.



Michael Saylor Reveals MicroStrategy Is 'Making $500M A Day' With Bitcoin

MicroStrategy Inc. (NASDAQ:MSTR) co-founder Michael Saylor has revealed that the company is minting $500 million a day as Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) inches closer to $100,000 for the first time in its history. What Happened: Saylor, who has been all-in on Bitco



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