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embedded 뜻. embed.매트릭스 안에 있는 것처럼 완전히 둘러싸여있는. 물질 혹은 물체에 단단히 고정되어 있는.(1961) embedded

by 원시 2024. 8. 10.

(1961) embedded


암석에 박혀있는 암모나이트 (멸종된 연체 동물)의 화석


 Ammonite fossil embedded in stone



1) 매트릭스 안에 있는 것처럼 완전히 둘러싸여있는. 물질 혹은 물체에 완전히 고정되어 있는.


2) 스마트폰 (센서 장착) - a smartphone with embedded sensors


3) 파견 기자. 종군 기자. 특정 목표 달성을 위한 군대 단위 혹은 집단에 소속된 (부착된, 첨부된)

an embedded journalist  (파견 기자, 종군 기자) 

embedded military advisors (파견 군사 자문단) 





em·​bed·​ded im-ˈbe-dəd


Synonyms of embedded


1 구동사 혹은 절 같은 문법적 구성

: occurring as a grammatical constituent (such as a verb phrase or clause) within a like constituent


2. 매트릭스 안에 있는 것처럼 완전히 둘러싸여있는. 물질 혹은 물체에 완전히 고정되어 있는.


: enclosed closely in or as if in a matrix : set firmly into a mass or material


Every nuclear sample has a host of distinctive attributes, including the exact mix of impurities, the ratio of different radioactive isotopes, even embedded carbon compounds that indicate the sample's age.



3. 특정 목표 달성을 위한 군대 단위 혹은 집단에 소속된 (부착된, 첨부된)

: attached to a military unit or group for some purpose (such as covering a conflict or providing expert advice)

an embedded journalist

embedded military advisors





of digital content : drawn from and linked to an external source but displayed or accessed locally

an embedded video


Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.




b. 장치 혹은 시스템. 독립된 단위 보다는 더 큰 장치의 한 부분으로 기능하는.

스마트폰 (센서 장착) - a smartphone with embedded sensors


of a device or system : functioning as part of a larger device rather than as an independent unit or system

a smartphone with embedded sensors


… even low-end cars nowadays have 30 to 50 embedded computers—which means that most vehicles are running millions of lines of software code, controlling everything from the brakes to the air conditioning.

—John Naughton








Examples of embedded in a Sentence


Recent Examples on the Web


One New York Times article that cited Gallant’s mangled misquote sourced the words to an op-ed in another outlet, which sourced them to an X post that featured an embedded TikTok video.

—Yair Rosenberg, The Atlantic, 21 Jan. 2024


Brainwaves: Using embedded chips, brainwaves can turn into commands and then into actions.

—Susan Johnston, Rolling Stone, 29 Sep. 2023


Read full article Showers persist with a low prob of embedded thunder into the evening, followed by gradual clearing late tonight.

—Globe Staff, BostonGlobe.com, 18 Sep. 2023




These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'embedded.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.



Word History

First Known Use


1961, in the meaning defined at sense 1


Time Traveler


The first known use of embedded was in 1961

See more words from the same year


Ammonite fossil embedded in stone





콜린스 사전.


1.   fixed firmly and deeply in a surrounding solid mass

단단한 물질에 깊숙하게 단단히 박혀있는


Membrane lipids are arranged in the form of a bilayer, but the bilayer is interrupted by embedded proteins.

There is glass embedded in the cut. 베인 상처에 유리가 꽉 박혀있다

The thorn was embedded in the cat's paw. 가시가 고양이 발에 깊숙이 박혀있다. 


The rudder was embedded in mud.(배, 선박) 키가 진흙에 꽉 박혔다. 

The fossils are embedded in hard sandstones. 단단한 사암들에 박혀있는 화석들. 


2. 어떤 사물,사건의 항구적인 특질,눈에 현저하게 띄는 특질을 구성하는. 


constituting a permanent and noticeable feature of something


깊숙이 자리잡고 있는 죄의식 

a deeply embedded feeling of guilt


이 협약 (협정안)은 국가 조약을 구성하는 중요한 특질인데, 곧 체결될 예정이다. 

This agreement will be embedded in a state treaty to be signed soon.


청춘 숭배는 우리 사회에서 아주 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있는 특징이다. 

The cult of youth is embedded in our society.


전통의식은 우리 문화 안에 깊숙이 자리 잡고 있다. 


A sense of tradition is deeply embedded in our culture.


3.  언론, 저널리즘. 종군 기자 (특정 목적을 수행하는) journalism

assigned to accompany an active military unit


4.  문법. 문장에 삽입된. grammar

inserted into a sentence

Children soon begin to create remarkably complex sentences, with embedded clauses, tag questions, and sentences combined with conjunctions like 'and' and 'but'.


5.  컴퓨터 용어. (소프트웨어의 한 부분). 다른 소프트웨어의 한 부분을 구성하는.  computing

(of a piece of software) made an integral part of other software


The company markets its technology for embedded applications directly to potential licensees

The smartcard uses an embedded 8-bit microprocessor running at 5 MHz.




한국 온라인 사전.



Noun IT <기초>내장형(內藏型~)

AllTechnical Term - Naver Encyclopedia
embed ( imbed ) ( Past tense: embedded ) ( Past participle: embedded ) 
Verb (단단히) 박다[끼워 넣다]

Verb (종군 기자·사진 기자 등을) 파견하다

Verb 언어 (다른 절 속에) 절을 끼워 넣다, 내포절을 넣다(I’m aware that she knows에서 she knows는 내포절이다.)