장례식도 치르지 못하는 현실이 되었다.
7600명 이상 사망 (3000명이 어린이), 1650명이 폭격당한 집,주택 밑에 깔려있고, 그 중 절반이 어린이.
팔레스타인들은 만약 죽을 때를 대비해, 신원을 파악하기 위해서, 어린이들 팔 다리에 얘들 이름을 써놓거나, 이름을 적어 놓은 팔찌를 끼고 있다.
Mass graves, unclaimed bodies: The war robs Gaza of funeral rites
Overwhelmed morgues, cemeteries and near-constant bombardment have made funerals and grieving all but impossible.
Palestinians bury the bodies of their relatives killed in the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, at a cemetery in Deir Al-Balah
28 Oct 2023
Palestinians say the devastating war between Israel and Hamas is robbing them not only of their loved ones but also of the funeral rites that long have offered mourners some dignity and closure in the middle of grief.
Overwhelmed hospitals and morgues and near-constant bombardment have made funerals and grieving all but impossible.
Cemeteries have compelled families to dig up long-buried bodies and deepen the holes to make space for new victims.
Overflowing morgues have compelled hospitals to bury people before their relatives can claim them. To increase the chances of being identified if they die, Palestinian families have begun wearing identification bracelets and scrawling names with marker on their children’s arms and legs.
Over the past three weeks, Israel’s relentless bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip – one of the world’s most densely populated areas – has wrought dizzying levels of carnage.
More than 7,600 Palestinians have been killed, including about 3,000 children. A further 1,650 Palestinians remain trapped under the rubble of their homes and buildings, half of them children.
7600명 이상 사망 (3000명이 어린이), 1650명이 폭격당한 집,주택 밑에 깔려있고, 그 중 절반이 어린이.
Palestinians bury the bodies of their relatives killed in the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, at a cemetery in Deir Al-Balah
Palestinians bury their relatives killed in Israeli bombardment at a cemetery in Deir al-Balah. [Hatem Moussa/AP Photo]
A Palestinian woman mourns over the bodies of her relatives who were killed in Israeli airstrikes that hit a Greek Orthodox church, in Gaza City, Friday
A Palestinian woman mourns her relatives killed in Israeli air raids that hit the Greek Orthodox church, in Gaza City. [Abed Khaled/AP Photo]
Palestinians carry a body of a dead child who was found under the rubble of a destroyed house after Israeli airstrikes on Gaza City
Palestinians carry a body of a dead child found under the rubble of a destroyed house in Gaza City. [Abed Khaled/AP Photo]
Palestinians pray by the bodies of people killed in the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip in front of the morgue in Deir Al-Balah, Tuesday, Oct. 24
Palestinians pray by the bodies of people killed in the Gaza Strip in front of the morgue in Deir al-Balah. [Adel Hana/AP Photo]
People move the body of a Palestinian, who was killed in Israeli strikes, from an ice cream truck where it was kept, as the hospital morgues are packed
People move the body of a Palestinian killed in Israeli attacks from an ice cream truck where it was kept as hospital morgues are packed. [Reuters]
Bodies of Palestinians killed by an explosion at the Ahli Arab hospital are gathered in the front yard of the al-Shifa hospital, in Gaza City
Bodies of Palestinians killed by an explosion at the al-Ahli Arab Hospital are gathered in front of the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. [Abed Khaled/AP Photo]
Palestinians bury the bodies of their relatives, killed in the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, Monday, Oct. 23
Palestinians bury their dead relatives killed in Israeli bombardment at a cemetery in Deir al-Balah [Hatem Moussa/AP Photo]
Palestinians remove a dead body from the rubble of a building after an Israeli airstrike Jebaliya refugee camp, Gaza Strip
Palestinians remove a body from the rubble of a building after an Israeli air raid on the Jebaliya refugee camp [Ramez Mahmoud/AP Photo]
언론 보도 출처. https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2023/10/28/mass-graves-unclaimed-bodies-the-war-robs-gaza-of-funeral-rites
Photos: Mass graves, unclaimed bodies: The war robs Gaza of funeral rites
Overwhelmed morgues, cemeteries and near-constant bombardment have made funerals and grieving all but impossible.
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