보수 우익이라 평가받는 역사서 출판자, 니얼 퍼거슨이 이스라엘이 팔레스타인 국가를 수립하려고 애를 많이 쓰고 있다고 썼는데, 이것은 명백한 오류이자, 팔레스타인-이스라엘 전쟁사에 대한 왜곡이다.
실제 현실은 니얼 퍼거슨이 말한 것이 아니라,이스라엘 우익과 정부는 가자 지구와 서안 지구에 불법 장벽을 500km~700km 건설해 팔레스타인들을 고립시키고, 이동의 자유와 물,전기,에너지,식량의 공급을 제한시켰다.
역사 대중서를 자주 출판하고 있으나, 관점도 보수우익일 뿐만 아니라, '정확도'가 떨어진다는 평가를 받고 있는 니얼 퍼거슨. 그가 2006년에 출판한 <세계의 전쟁 The War of the World> 에필로그 편에 보면, 이스라엘과 팔레스타인 관계가 나온다. 한국에서는 이현주 번역가가 <증오의 세기>로 출간.
" 이스라엘은 1967년에 (팔레스타인) 영토를 점령했다. 이스라엘은 점령지에서 곤란한 상황으로부터 벗어나기 위해 분투하고 있고, 팔레스타인과 공존할 수 있는 팔레스타인 국가를 수립하기 위해 애를 쓰고 있다.
그런데 팔레스타인 사람들은 (2006년 선거에서) 하마스에 투표해 버렸다. 하마스는 다름아닌 이스라엘의 파괴에만 온갖 노력을 하다는 조직인데도 말이다. " (p.644 영어판)
p.644. Israel struggles to exricate itself from the territory it occupied in 1967 adn to establish a Palestinian state with which it can coexist; yet the Palestinians vote for Hamas, an organization committed to the destruction of Israel tout court.
(서안 지구에서 분리 장벽 설치)
2002년 이스라엘 정부가 팔레스타인의 '봉기', 제 2 인티파다 와중에, '테러리즘'을 막는다는 핑계로 서안지구에 장벽을 설치했다.
유엔 법원은 이스라엘의 분리 장벽 설치를 '불법'으로 판단. 팔레스타인 마을을 분리시키고 고립시키는 역할을 함.
(가자 지구에서 분리 장벽 설치)
2006년 가자 지구 총선에서 하마스가 승리한 이후, 이스라엘은 해안가 팔레스타인 거주지에 대한 포위를 시작.
2007년 파타와 하마스의 유혈 충돌 이후, 하마스가 가자 지구에서 '파타'를 쫓아 내고 가자 지구를 장악한 이후, 이스라엘의 분리 봉쇄는 더욱더 강화됨.
2006년 총선에서 하마스의 승리 이후, 이스라엘은 가자 지구에서 분리 장벽 설치하기 시작했다.
Israel’s security wall makes Gazans feel imprisoned
For the 2 million Palestinians who have been living in a tight siege in Gaza since 2006, Israel's new high-tech separation wall has turned the enclave into the world’s largest open-air prison.
Israeli tourists take pictures near the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip on Feb. 7, 2017.

Israeli tourists take pictures of graffiti on a protective cement wall in the Israeli Kibbutz of Netiv Haashara near the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip on Feb. 7, 2017. - JACK GUEZ/AFP via Getty Images
Mai Abu Hasaneen
Mai Abu Hasaneen
December 20, 2021
Some 2.11 million people living in Gaza are feeling more and more trapped with Israel’s inauguration on Dec. 6 of the upgraded security wall on the Gaza border after three and a half years of work.
The move tightens the siege imposed on the coastal enclave ever since Hamas won the legislative elections in 2006. The blockade had intensified after Hamas took control of Gaza by force and expelled members of the Fatah movement led by President Mahmoud Abbas following bloody confrontations in 2007.
2006년 가자 지구 총선에서 하마스가 승리한 이후, 이스라엘은 해안가 팔레스타인 거주지에 대한 포위를 시작.
2007년 파타와 하마스의 유혈 충돌 이후, 하마스가 가자 지구에서 '파타'를 쫓아 내고 가자 지구를 장악한 이후, 이스라엘의 분리 봉쇄는 더욱더 강화됨.
Israel had come up with the idea of the new barrier to respond to the threat posed by the tunnel network that Hamas built from Gaza into it. Hamas had used the tunnels during the 2014 war on Gaza as platforms for launching rockets toward Israel and in attempts to kidnap Israeli soldiers.
The galvanized steel wall weighs about 20,000 tons and has a height of about 6 meters. It stretches both above and under the ground over 65 kilometers along the border from the new sea barrier near Zikim beach in the north to Kerem Shalom crossing in the south.
부식을 막기 위해 아연을 칠한 강철, 2만톤. 높이 6미터. 65 km
At the inauguration ceremony, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said, “This barrier … deprives Hamas of one of the capabilities that it tried to develop and places a wall of iron, sensors and concrete between it and the residents of the south.”
In a statement, the Israeli Defense Ministry said that the wall is similar to the one that runs along the Israeli-Egyptian border.
Construction of the new barrier with innovative security fortifications kicked off in 2017, and its cost amounted to 3.5 billion Israeli shekels. (35억 이스라엘 쉐클 = 11조 7058억)
“There is no place in the world that has built an underground barrier,” said Brig. Gen. Eran Ofir, the commander in charge of Israel's border wall.
According to the Defense Ministry, more than 1,200 people from around the world are working on this project along the border with six concrete plants being set up and 330,000 trucks pouring 3 million cubic meters of concrete.
“Enough to open a road from Israel to Bulgaria,” Ofir said. “Another 140,000 tonnes of iron and steel were used in the construction, equivalent to the length of a steel wall from Israel to Australia.”
이스라엘부터 불가리아까지 도로를 건설할 수 있는 분량의 콘크리트.
철강은 이스라엘부터 오스트랄리아까지의 길이. (14만 톤 철강)
On the other hand, Palestinian resistance factions have yet to comment on their ability to penetrate the wall, which has not been tested since the 2014 war. However, sources in the resistance revealed to the Lebanese newspaper, Al-Akhbar, that “the resistance engineers were able to find practical solutions that would make the fence useless during military battles.”
More than a decade after Israel’s disengagement from Gaza in 2005, it continues to control the airspace and territorial waters, the management of the Palestinian population registry, and the movement of people and goods in Gaza. The laws of occupation according to international law still apply to Israel as it controls the lives of the Palestinian population.
Hind Judeh, 37, a writer and poet from Gaza City, told Al-Monitor, “With Israel’s completion of the security wall around Gaza, the feeling of being trapped in an open-air prison is all the more real, and Israel’s apartheid against the Palestinians is now at its best." She added, “Israel's mentality when it comes to its relationship with Gaza is getting worse over time and will inevitably lead to no stopping clashes and wars. Palestinians feel more oppressed now, but this will only strengthen their resolve to resist the occupation.”
In turn, Abu Mohammad Iram, 61, who lives in Al-Shati refugee camp west of Gaza City and works as a fisherman, told Al-Monitor, “Gaza residents live in a prison just as Palestinian prisoners live in Israeli prisons. The only difference is that Gaza lives in a larger prison. Israel controls everything that enters and exits Gaza.”
He added, “I own a boat that needs fiberglass to be repaired, but Israel prevents the entry of this material on the pretext of being used for military purposes. Israel also limits the fishing area to 9 nautical miles at best. Even our sea is under siege.”
Al-Monitor also spoke to Suhad Al-Rabaea, 29, who lives in Nuseirat, central Gaza, and has a master’s degree in international relations from Al-Aqsa University in Gaza. “The wall that the occupying state built on the Gaza border is a complete isolation of the Gaza Strip from the rest of the Palestinian territories. This will suffocate Gaza and prevent any infiltration into the territories occupied in 1948.”
She continued, "The idea of the security wall around the Gaza border that the occupation believes would guarantee its security destroys any hope of the two-state solution.”
Rafqa Eid, 30, a medical laboratory science graduate from Al-Azhar University in Gaza and a volunteer in the BDS movement, told Al-Monitor, “The construction of the wall on the Gaza border will not provide security for Israel. Our people will continue its resistance guaranteed by international law, in all its forms, whether through popular or armed resistance. Six prisoners managed to escape from a closed-cell room in the fortified Gilboa prison. No wall, no matter how strong, will keep the Palestinians from trying to achieve freedom.”
Eid praised the achievements of the BDS movement, which is deemed one of the largest means of international pressure aimed to push banks, universities and other entities to withdraw investments from and boycott the state of Israel.
“I hope the Palestinian people learn from the experience of the people of South Africa, who succeeded in exposing and toppling the racist regime,” she said. “The Palestinian people should strive to expose the racist regime in Israel that practices the collective punishment policy against the residents of Gaza."
Taysir al-Burdini, 50, a freed prisoner who spent 20 years in Israeli prisons, lives in the city of Rafah in southern Gaza. He told Al-Monitor, “Building a security wall on the Gaza border is a normal practice by the Israeli occupation state, which is trying to fully protect itself by building walls. This is similar to the construction of the separation barrier in the West Bank that Israel began building in 2002.”
He argued that Israel’s bet on a security solution has proven to be unsuccessful over the years of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Burdini concluded, “The solution is the peace option dubbed by late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat 'the peace of the brave,' where both the Palestinian and Israeli peoples would live in peace and freedom and work to achieve the right of self-determination for the Palestinian people."
서안지구 분리 장벽 설치 불법이다.
Israel’s illegal separation wall still divides
Years after it was deemed illegal by a UN court, the wall continues to cut through and divide Palestinian communities.
85 percent of the wall falls within the West Bank rather than running along the internationally-recognised 1967 boundary, known as the Green Line.

About 85 percent of the wall falls within the West Bank rather than running along the internationally recognised 1967 boundary, known as the Green Line. [Al Jazeera]
Published On 8 Jul 2020
8 Jul 2020
Thursday marks the 16th anniversary since the International Court of Justice (ICJ) deemed Israel’s separation wall illegal.
In 2002, Israel started constructing the wall, slicing through Palestinian communities, agricultural fields, and farmland at the height of the second Intifada.
2002년 이스라엘 정부가 팔레스타인의 '봉기', 제 2 인티파다 와중에, '테러리즘'을 막는다는 핑계로 장벽을 설치했다.
The wall has been described by Israeli officials as a necessary security precaution against “terrorism”.
Palestinians, however, have decried it as an Israeli mechanism to annex Palestinian territory as it is built deep within the West Bank and not along the 1967 Green Line, the generally recognised boundary between Israel and the West Bank.
While the ICJ’s decision is non-binding, it found the wall violates international law and called for its dismantlement. It also ruled Israel should pay reparations for any damage caused.
A month after the ICJ decision, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) voted overwhelmingly to demand Israel to comply with the UN’s highest legal body.
The vote called on UN member states “not to recognise the illegal situation resulting from the construction of the wall in the occupied Palestinian territory, including in and around East Jerusalem“, and “not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by such construction”.
This picture taken on January 17, 2019 from the Palestinian West Bank village of Al-Ram (foreground) shows the controversial Israeli separation barrier separating East Jerusalem (C-L) and the Palestin

The Israeli separation barrier divides East Jerusalem and the Palestinian West Bank town of Qalandia. [File: Thomas Coex/AFP]

File - In this Friday, Aug. 13, 2010 file photo, Palestinian women wait near a section of Israel''s separation barrier covered in graffiti, one depicting the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, at t
Israel's separation barrier covered in graffiti, one depicting the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat at the Qalandiya checkpoint between Jerusalem and the West Bank city of Ramallah. [File: Sebastian Scheiner/AP]

A picture taken on February 11, 2020 shows the Israeli settlement of Pisgat Zeev (L), built in a suburb of the mostly Arab east Jerusalem, and the Palestinian Shuafat refugee camp (R) behind Israel''s
The Israeli settlement of Pisgat Zeev (left), built in a suburb of the mostly Arab East Jerusalem, and the Palestinian Shuafat refugee camp behind Israel's controversial separation wall. [File: Ahmad Gharabli/AFP]
A woman and a child walk along the wall separating East Jerusalem from the Palestinian village of Abu Dis, the proposed Palestinian capital in US President Donald Trump plan for the Middle east, on Ja

The wall separating East Jerusalem from the Palestinian village of Abu Dis. [File: Emmanuel Dunand/AFP]
A Palestinian man rides his motorcycle past a mural painting of US President Donald Trump on Israel''s controversial separation barrier in the West Bank city of Bethlehem on June 8, 2020. (Photo by AHM

A Palestinian man rides his motorcycle past a mural of US President Donald Trump on Israel's controversial separation barrier in the West Bank city of Bethlehem. [File: Ahmad Gharabli/AFP]
epa07930165 Palestinian farmers harvest their olives in the southern West Bank village of the monastery of Samet, near the Israeli separation wall of Hebron, 18 October 2019. Palestinians started harv

Palestinian farmers harvest their olives in the southern West Bank village of the monastery of Samet, near the Israeli separation wall in Hebron. [Abed al-Hashlamoun/EPA]
A man walks along a road by Israel''s controversial separation barrier between the occupied West Bank village of Nazlat Issa (L) and the Arab-Israeli town of Baqa al-Gharbiya (R) in northern Israel on

A man walks along a road by Israel's controversial separation barrier between the occupied West Bank village of Nazlat Issa (left) and the Arab-Israeli town of Baqa al-Gharbiya (right) in northern Israel. [File: Ahmad Gharabli/AFP]

A general view shows the Israeli barrier at the Palestinian town of Abu Dis in the Israeli-occupied West Bank east of Jerusalem January 27, 2020. REUTERS/Ammar Awad
The Israeli barrier at the Palestinian town of Abu Dis in the Israeli-occupied West Bank east of Jerusalem. [Ammar Awad/Reuters]
A newly opened segregated West Bank highway is seen near Jerusalem Thursday, Jen. 10, 2019. Israel has opened a controversial new West Bank highway on Thursday that features a large concrete wall segr

A segregated Israeli highway near Jerusalem that features a large concrete wall segregating Israeli and Palestinian traffic. Critics have branded the road an 'apartheid highway', saying it is part of a planned segregated road system that would benefit Israelis exclusively. [Mahmoud Illean/AP]
언론보도 출처. https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2020/7/8/in-pictures-israels-illegal-separation-wall-still-divides
In Pictures: Israel’s illegal separation wall still divides
Years after it was deemed illegal by a UN court, the wall continues to cut through and divide Palestinian communities.
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