버니 걸스 등장.
1969년 당시만 해도 미국과 캐나다의 경우, 대중교통 시설이 잘 발달되지 않았다.
TTC 토론토 Toronto Transit Commission (토론토 교통 위원회)에서 버니 걸스를 동원해 버스를 이용하자는 캠페인을 벌였다. 나름 효과가 있었다는 토론토 스타 뉴스 보도.
인용 자료.
2/12/1969 Original Toronto Star caption: Bunny girls on the TTC?
Bunny girls as bus hostesses, to make public transit more attractive for riders, was proposed at this week's Canadian Urban Transportation Conference in Toronto.
The idea was tested on a TTC bus and, for some passengers at least, it worked.
#ttcjourney #ttc #ttccommunity #ttcsupport #toronto
Original Toronto Star caption: Bubbles the bus bunny drew plenty of stares and more than a few apprecative comments yesterday as she tested out a suggestion made at the Canadian Urban Transportation Conference that bus bunnies be used to make public transportation more attractive.
It worked at least for one passenger - he went a mile past his stop. Idea seemed slightly less popular with women patrons.
Original Toronto Star caption: Bubbles the bus bunny; in gold lame costume and black net stockings; cosies up to passenger Robert Tracy yesterday; trying to make him feel like a warm and welcome guest of the Toronto Transit Commission.
She was testing a suggestion made at Canadian Urban Transportation Conference that bus bunnies might draw more patrons. After test; Tracy said the idea might have some merit.
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