George Washington Bridge construction 1931
Construction on the George Washington Bridge started in September 1927;
the bridge was ceremonially dedicated on October 24, 1931,
and opened to traffic the next day.
The opening of the George Washington Bridge contributed to the development of Bergen County,
New Jersey, in which Fort Lee is located.
A splendid air view of the bridge shows how cars streamed across on the first day of public traffic on Oct. 25, 1931.
These were some of the thousands who waited to pay their dimes to cross the new bridge on opening day on Oct. 25, 1931.
조지 와싱턴 다리를 구경하기 위해 몰려든 시민들, 입장료 10센트 (1931년 10월 25일 다리 통행 시작)
Construction work is in progress on the concrete foundation of the new six-lane lower deck being added to the George Washington Bridge, in order to increase the traffic flow, in 1960.
Two engineers look up at a huge work platform which has been raised into place on the George Washington Bridge in New York on June 4, 1959. It will serve as the base from which the construction of a six-lane lower deck can be done without interfering with traffic on the span which crosses the Hudson River.
In this photo provided by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Othmar Ammann, third from left, is shown with a team of surveyors on the site of what will be the George Washington Bridge, at Fort Lee, N.J., in 1925.
1925년 포트 리. 조지 와싱턴 다리 건설을 위한, 예비 조사 팀, 오스마 암만 (뉴 저지, 뉴욕 항구 담당 공무원) 사진 제공.
1931년 다리 이름 공모.
뉴저지 쪽에서 본 조지 다리 건설 과정. 1931년
조지 다리 개통 첫 날, 1931년 10월 25일, 차량 숫자 5만 3523대가 다리를 건넜다.
모든 솔로몬이 조지 와싱턴 다리를 최초로 건너는 사람이 되었다. 말을 타고 건넘. 통행세 25센트.
개통 첫날 조지 와싱턴 다리를 건너는 뉴요커들.
1938년 뉴욕 측에서 바라본 조지 와싱턴 다리.
뉴저지 포트 리 Port Lee 쪽에서 출발
뉴욕 쪽으로
사진 출처.
The George Washington Bridge turns 92!
Take a look back at the construction of the George Washington Bridge on the anniversary of its opening to public traffic on Oct. 25, 1931. The suspension bridge, which spans across the Hudson River…
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