Corporation (15세기)
다국적 대기업. 세이코 기업.
영국 대도시. 코포레이션은 지방정부를 뜻한다. (공적 서비스를 제공할 책임이 있는 지방정부)
a. 트레이드 길드에서 하나로 뭉친 (통합된) 상인들 혹은 무역종사자들의 집단.
: a group of merchants or traders united in a trade guild (see guild sense 1)
b. 시, 군, 읍 등의 행정 당국
: the municipal authorities of a town or city
2. 법인. 법률에 의해 인정받아 한 사람으로 활동이 가능한 ‘조직’ . 한 사람 혹은 둘 이상의 사람으로 구성되어 될 수도 있고, 승계 권한을 포함 권리와 의무를 법적으로 규정함.
: a body formed and authorized by law to act as a single person although constituted by one or more persons and legally endowed with various rights and duties including the capacity of succession
3. 고용주와 피고용인의 협회
: an association of employers and employees in a basic industry or of members of a profession organized as an organ of political representation in a corporative state
: potbelly sense 1
코포레이션이란, 법적 조직(기관). 개인들이나 주주가 이윤을 추구할 목적으로 설립한 법적 조직(기관)이다.
A corporation is a legal entity created by individuals, stockholders, or shareholders, with the purpose of operating for profit. Corporations are allowed to enter into contracts, sue and be sued, own assets, remit federal and state taxes, and borrow money from financial institutions.
5. 미국에서 기업 corporation 의 발전사.
History of Corporations in the U.S.
The American corporation began with industrial producers to the period of American business hegemony following 1945 and was transformed by technology.
bay window
beer belly
Examples of corporation in a Sentence
He works as a consultant for several large corporations.
a substantial corporation that showed that he was a sucker for all-you-can-eat buffets
Recent Examples on the Web
Examples are automatically compiled from online sources to show current usage. Opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
Jernigan said in Monday’s hearing that TGI Fridays will be allowed to continue its gift-card program, which would give franchisees more time to review finances and meet with the central corporation.
—Sasha Rogelberg, Fortune, 5 Nov. 2024
Launchpad, Prince William said at the Nov. 5 panel, puts people together with the corporations and finance that can help.
—Simon Perry,, 5 Nov. 2024
They can be issued by corporations, states, municipalities, or multilateral organizations like the World Bank.
—Christer Holloman, Forbes, 5 Nov. 2024
Now, a small but growing number of marquee-name corporations have stepped back.
—Bloomberg, The Mercury News, 4 Nov. 2024
Word History
Middle English corporacion "organization into a body politic, an organized body of people," borrowed from Anglo-French & Late Latin; Anglo-French corporacion, borrowed from Late Latin corporātiōn-, corporātiō (Latin, "physical makeup"), from Latin corporāre "to form into a body" + -tiōn-, -tiō, suffix of action nouns — more at corporate
First Known Use
15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1b
콜린즈 사전.
다국적 대기업. 세이코 기업.
영국 대도시. 코포레이션은 지방정부를 뜻한다. (공적 서비스를 제공할 책임이 있는 지방정부)
1. countable noun B2
A corporation is a large business or company.
...multi-national corporations.
...the Seiko Corporation.
2. countable noun
In some large British cities, the corporation is the local authority that is responsible for providing public services.
...the corporation's task of regenerating 900 acres of the inner city.
참고 단어.
단어 corporate welfare.
Corporate welfare refers to government financial assistance, subsidies, tax breaks, or other favorable policies provided to private businesses or specific industries, ostensibly to promote economic growth, job creation, or other public benefits.
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