한국정치가 빈곤한 여러 이유들 중에 하나가 바로 정치연구소의 부재다.
어떻게 맹자 한 명이 공자 한 명이 이 복잡한 한국의 문제들에 답을 할 수 있겠는가?
하물며 관중과 포숙아의 우정도 이 문제들에 다 답을 하지 못하는 그런 시대에, 1인 책사, 논객, 저술가만 가득한 한국 여의도 정치판에, 우리가 무엇을 기대할 수 있겠는가?
진보정당 무시하는 김종인은 정계은퇴하라 ! 진보정당 분노하며 와신상담해야 한다.
구청장 군수 선거도 아니고, '책사' 1~2명이 가 어떻게 한국 정치를 좌지우지 한단 말인가? 김종인만큼 과대평가된 인물이 또 있는가? 김종인은 정의당 심상정후보를 비롯 안철수 등을 비웃었다.
이재명,윤석열이 무시해도 되는 세력이라고 말했다. 김종인이 국민의힘 당원이기 때문에 '당파성'과 '이념(이데올로기)'에 가장 충실하게 답변했다.
- 삼국지의 폐해는 제갈공명에 대한 신격화인데, '책사' 김종인에 대한 언론 비지니스는 한국 민주주의 발전을 가로막아 왔다.
- 제국주의 '깡패' 국가, 혹은 헤게모니 국가라고 불리우는 미국 와싱턴 D.C에 가면, 보수파 (네오콘, 헤리티지 재단, Rand, 후버 등) 민주당 측 '부르킹스' 재단 등 싱크 탱크가 미국 국내정치와 국제정치 내용을 제공한다. 물론 초국적 자본과 미국내 각종 로비단체가 강력하게 움직이며 이 싱크탱크에도 깊숙이 관여하고 있다.
- 유럽 사례를 들지 않더라도, 진보정당이 부재한 미국도 하물며 형식적으로라도 '싱크 탱크'를 앞세워 정치를 한다.
(신동아 90주년 기념 토론회. 11월 7일.
구자홍 기자 : 진중권, 김종인 )
Brookings Institution, not-for-profit research organization based in Washington, D.C., founded in 1916 as the Institute for Government Research by the merchant, manufacturer, and philanthropist Robert S. Brookings and other reformers.
In 1927 it merged with two other institutions established by Brookings, the Institute of Economics (1922) and the Robert S. Brookings Graduate School of Economics and Government (1924), to form the Brookings Institution.
Devoted to public service through research and education in the social sciences, particularly in economics, government, and foreign policy, the Brookings Institution is one of the most influential think tanks in the United States.
Throughout its history, the institution has had a significant impact on U.S. policy decisions, both domestically and abroad. William F. Willoughby, a Johns Hopkins University graduate statistician and one of the early directors of the institution, helped the institute play an important role in the crafting of the 1921 legislation that led to the creation of the first U.S. Bureau of the Budget, the predecessor of the Office of Management and Budget.
During the 1930s, as the Great Depression continued, Harold Moulton, a University of Chicago professor who was the institution’s first president, and his colleagues at Brookings participated in a large-scale study commissioned by U.S. Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt to analyze the underlying causes of the depression and come up with viable remedies.
During World War II, Brookings researchers turned their efforts to aiding the administration with a series of studies on mobilization. In 1948 the institution played a key role in crafting the administration plan of the European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan), which distributed aid to Europe’s war-torn economies.
In 1952 Robert Calkins succeeded Moulton as president of the institution. He was instrumental in placing Brookings on strong financial ground by securing grants from the Rockefeller and Ford foundations. The institute expanded and was reorganized into three areas: economic studies, government studies, and foreign policy programs.
In the 1970s the institution played a prominent role in the creation of the U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In 1975 Alice Rivlin, a Brookings economist, became the CBO’s first director.
The institution’s research into improving the U.S. tax system, spearheaded by Director of Economic Studies Joseph Pechman, led to the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which was a significant congressional bill that introduced important simplifications to the U.S. income tax code.
In the 1990s the institution further expanded to include new interdisciplinary research centres such as the Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy and the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies. Brookings researchers played a prominent role in crafting U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton’s welfare-reform legislation that was signed into law in 1996.
In 2002 Brookings launched the Saban Center for Middle East Policy as its new hub of research directed at U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. That was followed by the creation of the Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy in Beijing in 2006 and the Brookings Doha Center in Qatar in 2007.
The Brookings Institution produces influential research on a broad set of public policy topics ranging from domestic issues in the U.S. to international affairs. It publishes regular reports, books, and Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, one of the premier economics research journals.
Peter Bondarenkoa
1916년 로버트 브루킹스가 '브루킹스' 연구소를 창립했다.
Brookings Institution | History, Research, & Influence | Britannica
Brookings Institution, research organization founded as the Institute for Government Research (1916) by Robert Brookings. Devoted to public service through research and education in the social sciences, the Brookings Institution is one of the most influent
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