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김정은 동생, 김여정 한국 방문 외신보도 BBC, 김정은과 키친 내각 이끌고 있다

by 원시 2018. 2. 9.

김여정 한국 방문 이후 

(1) 김여정이 문재인 대통령을 만난다면,  거의 남북정상 회담에 준한다고도 할 수 있을 것 같다. 만약 북한 김정은이 핵무기 실험 프로젝트의 중단, 대륙간 탄도 미사일 실험을 중지하는 정도의 약속을 한다면, 남북정상회담이나, 북한-미국 회담은 가능할 수도 있다. 

(2) 하지만 미국의 강경파들의 입지가 더 커지거나, 트럼프와 문재인 정부 사이 이견이 조율되지 못한다면 북한은 핵개발과 대륙간 탄도 미사일 실험을 재개할 가능성이 크다. 이렇게 되면, 평창 올림픽 이후, 북한은 정치군사와 경제/예술교류를 분리한 정책을 쓸 것이다. 

(3) 한국 정부의 역할은 무엇이어야 하는가?  한국이 북한과 미국이 서로 외교적 타협을 해 나갈 때, 어느 정도 서로 양보를 해야 하는가, 그 양보를 양쪽으로부터 이끌어 내야 한다. 

예를들어, 미국이 북한을 테레리스트 지원국 명단에서 다시 빼줄 때, 미국과 UN이 북한에 대한 경제제재 조치들을 철회할때, 북한은  핵개발과 대륙간탄도미사일 실험 프로젝트를 어느정도 양보할 것인가? 이런 '양보'의 양과 폭에 대한 심판자 역할을 한국이 해야 한다.  

(4) 정치-군사적인 측면은 장기적인 북-미 양보를 이끌어내고, 단기적으로는 개성공단 재개, 서울-평양-신의주-단둥-베이징 철도 연결, 남북한 시민들의  자유왕래 (여행의 자유) 등과 같은 실용주의적 공생 공존 관계를 발전시켜야 한다.

------------------------------ BBC 외신, 김여정 소개 

김정은의 여동생, 김여정 (Kim Yojong) 은 1996년부터 2001년까지 스위스에서 김정은과 같이 학교를 다녔다.

김여정은 김정은 이미지 메이커이고, 언론사, 정치 홍보, 문화와 예술 분야를 담당하고 있다.

이번 현송월 예술단장 파견과 삼지연관현악단 행사 기획도 김여정의 손에서 나왔다.

이복언니 김설송과 더불어 김여정은 김정은 '문고리 gatekeeper' 역할을 하고 있고, 김정은의 최측근 부엌 내각/주방 내각 kitchen cabinet 을 이끌고 있다.


North Korea leader's sister takes 'real power' south to Olympics

By Michael Madden

North Korea leadership expert

7 February 2018

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Image copyrightREUTERS

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Kim Yo-jong is a leading gatekeeper for her brother, the leader of North Korea

Pyongyang has let its information out in a slow drip, gradually announcing North Korea's delegates to the Winter Olympics in South Korea and to the cultural events on the sidelines.

And now, two days before the Games begin, we have learned that Kim Jong-un's powerful sister, Kim Yo-jong, will travel south. She will be the first legitimate descendant of North Korean founder and president Kim Il-sung to visit South Korea.

Part of this is North Korea maximising the positive PR effects.

The announcement of the full delegation came following the arrivals of its athletes to the Games late last week, and a day after 10 musicians arrived in South Korea.

So now North Korea has earned itself a third day of positive media coverage about its participation in the South Korean Olympics.

It is also highly likely that Pyongyang was waiting to see the final guest list of other world leaders attending the opening ceremonies in Pyeongchang.

The North's disclosure of its full delegation occurred after US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson did not rule out the potential for some degree of interaction between North Korean and US representatives during the Games.

North Korea at the Winter Olympics: All you need to know

North Korea crisis in 300 words

In Pyongyang the delegation was carefully selected. Two of them were a fait accompli by dint of the positions they hold - the head of workers' and social organisations and the head of the DPRK's leading inter-Korea relations organisation.

There is a very good chance that the delegation had been selected once North Korea agreed to participate in the Olympics and Paralympics back in early January.

Of course, Kim Jong-un and the core leadership waited until the last possible moment to announce this high-level delegation. Like that delay before a big headlining band takes to the stage, this builds anticipation and excitement. In that way, this publicity move is certainly something of which late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il would most certainly be proud.

Image copyrightKCNA

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Kim Yo-jong is seen in a 2015 picture with her brother, touring a military unit

The little queen of everything

Kim Yo-jong, as leading gatekeeper for her brother, is one of the most powerful figures in North Korean politics. She has had a meteoric rise during the last five years.

As Kim Jong-un further cemented his position and consolidated his power in the blood sport of North Korean political culture, Kim Yo-jong's career continued to advance with public, formal posts in the party and state.

On a personal basis, Kim Yo-jong and Kim Jong-un have a very close relationship, cemented when they lived together in Switzerland from 1996 to 2001 and the shared trauma of seeing both their mother and father die.

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Kim Jong-un's sister Yo-jong waits in the wings

Kim Yo-jong has served as her brother's chief image-maker, running North Korea's state news agency, its broadcasting, culture and arts.

As a deputy director of the Workers' Party of Korea's Propaganda and Agitation Department (PAD), Kim Yo-jong has a hand in approving, if not editing, those statements which are issued by the North Korean government or unsigned editorials and essays that provoke the world's attention.

The selection of Hyon Song-wol to lead a music group to the South, the musicians themselves and the music they will play is also something that contains Kim Yo-jong's fingerprints.

Media captionKim Hyun-hui: Friendly North Korea 'is fake'

Ms Kim's writ extends far beyond the day-to-day running of North Korean media and culture, however.

She holds a "control tower" position working in her brother Kim Jong-un's executive office, the Personal Secretariat. In this capacity she works closely with her half-sister Kim Sul-song.

There is a lot of credible, multi-sourced intelligence that these two women working in support of Kim Jong-un are part of the decision-making behind key geostrategic issues. With a few others, they form the core of Kim Jong-un's "kitchen cabinet".

Back in 2001, when Russia's then ambassador asked Kim Jong-il about which of his sons would become successor, the late leader said his sons were "idle blockheads" and it was his daughters whom he thought had the intellect and personality as "reliable successors".

By dispatching his sister Kim Yo-jong as part of the delegation, Kim Jong-un is demonstrating a high degree of confidence in his position in North Korea. There are no elites in Pyongyang to challenge this decision.

Media captionNorth Korean cheerleaders arrive in the South for the Games

It also means that whomever the DPRK delegation interacts with can rest assured that their message, or even proposal, will be taken directly to Kim Jong-un, who is somewhat more removed from Pyongyang's daily policy grind than his father or grandfather. More importantly, her visit to South Korea gives her valuable experience representing North Korea publicly in another country.

She is not the first member of the Kim family to visit the South. Her uncle Chang Song-thaek, executed in 2013, was a member of an economic delegation that visited Seoul in 2002 that laid the groundwork for the Kaesong Industrial Complex, which has since been shuttered.

Due to her policy writ and family connection, she can be safely identified as "the real power" in North Korea's delegation to the South.

Who else is Pyongyang sending?

While a lot of attention is focused on Kim Yo-jong, the other members of North Korea's high-level delegation are fairly powerful people as well.

Kim Yong-nam is the 90-year-old formal head of state - one notch behind Kim Jong-un in the formal power hierarchy. Mr Kim has been in senior government or party posts since 1960 and served for many years as North Korea's foreign minister, exerting a lot of control over North Korea's diplomatic corps and foreign policy. Despite the ceremonial nature of his job and being semi-retired, Mr Kim remains a significant power player. Kim Jong-un has compelled the retirements of numerous elderly senior officials since he took power; Kim Yong-nam is not one of them.

Choe Hwi is a vice-chairman of the party. A former manager of the P'ibada (Sea of Blood) Opera Troupe, he joined the WPK Politburo as an alternate member in 2017 alongside Kim Yo-jong. Mr Choe is chairman of the state commission responsible for amateur and professional North Korean athletes. More importantly, his day job in the regime is running what are called workers' and social organisations. One of them, the Youth League, identifies talented athletes and musicians and selects them for further education and training.

Ri Son-gwon is chairman of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the County, the leading DPRK organisation for its relations with South Korea. He led the North's delegation to the 9 January meeting which resulted in North Korea taking part in the Games. Until 2016 he was a senior armed forces colonel and has issued warnings against South Korean military exercises, denied the North's involvement in the March 2010 sinking of a South Korean naval ship and trashed past South Korean politicians.

Michael Madden is Visiting Scholar of the US Korea Institute at SAIS-Johns Hopkins University and Director of NK Leadership Watch, an affiliate of 38 North.