트위터가 마조리 테일러 그린 (미 공화당 의원) 트위터 중단시킴.
이유: 그린 공화당 의원이 코로나 백신과 마스크 착용을 지속적으로 비난함.
민주당 바이든 정부의 백신 정책을 "나치의 유대인 탄압"에 비유함.
마조리 테일러 그린의 주장 "코로나 바이러스는 뚱뚱하지 않은 65세 이하 사람에게는 위험하지 않다"
조치: 12시간 동안 "읽기 기능만 가능" , 쓰기 불가능.
참고. bbc 보도 자료. 백신에 대한 잘못된 정보들
1. DNA를 바꿀 것이다.
2. 백신 주사액에 마이크로칩이 내장되어 있어, 개인 정보 추적이 가능하다.
3. 백신에 돼지,쇠고기가 들어있다.
4. 백신에 유산된 태아 세포가 들어있다.
5. 백신 접종시 여성의 난임을 유발한다.
Twitter suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene over 'misleading' Covid posts
Marjorie Taylor Greene holds a press conference outside the US Capitol in June 2021
image caption
Marjorie Taylor Greene has been a vocal critic of vaccines and the use of masks
Twitter has suspended Republican lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene for posting "misleading" information about coronavirus.
The social media giant said her account would be in "read-only mode" for 12 hours.
Ms Greene, a Republican congresswoman, has been an outspoken critic of vaccines and the use of masks.
Last month she apologised for likening coronavirus mask rules to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany.
In two tweets on Monday, she argued that vaccines should not be required, and that Covid was not dangerous for
people aged under 65 who are not obese.
Both posts are still on display, but have been tagged by Twitter as "misleading".
Ms Greene was suspended from Twitter in April, but the company later rescinded the ban, saying it was a mistake caused by its automated moderation system.
In response to her latest suspension, Ms Greene said Silicon Valley firms were attacking free speech with support from the White House.
"These Big Tech companies are doing the bidding of the Biden regime to restrict our voices and prevent the spread of any message that isn't state-approved," she said in a statement to the New York Times.
Last week, Democratic President Joe Biden urged social media firms to take more action against the spread of false
information about coronavirus and vaccines on their platforms.
"They're killing people," Mr Biden told reporters. "The only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated."
US health officials have warned the country's current spike in Covid-19 deaths and infections is exclusively hitting unvaccinated communities.
Twitter has repeatedly banned users for sharing false information, and in March it introduced a new policy with penalties for users.
Under the new rules, 12-hour suspensions are given for second and third violations of its policy. A fourth breach results in a week-long ban, and a fifth leads to a full ban.
In January, Twitter permanently suspended President Donald Trump for posts that it said incited violence after the
storming of the US Capitol by hundreds of his supporters.
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