
CNN 박근혜 징역 24년형 보도, Former South Korean President Park sentenced to 24 years in prison

원시 2018. 4. 6. 18:05

박근혜 1차 판결에서 24년 징역형을 받았고, 180억원 ($ 17 million) 벌금을 선고받았다고 CNN뉴스 보도.

법원 바깥에서는 박근혜 지지자들이 모여서, 재판 생중계를 TV 로 보면서, "박근혜 석방"을 외쳤다는 것을 보도했다.

항소는 박근혜가 아니라 , 촛불시민들이 해야겠다. 방금 판사가 삼성 이재용이 박근혜에게 준 204억 뇌물은 무죄라고 판결했다. 

박근혜가 재판도 항소도 다 포기할 것이라고 예측들을 했다. 역설적으로 촛불시민들이 항소해서, 이재용이 박근혜와 최순실에게 제공한 뇌물을 주고,

삼성 소유권 승계과정에서 부당하게 받은 이익과 관련한 부분을 '뇌물죄'로 판정해야 한다. 

박근혜 24년 징역, 벌금 180억원 판결은 2016년과 2017년에 박근혜 퇴진 촛불시위에 참여했던 시민들의 민주화 운동 의지를 평가절하한 판결이었다.

왜 한국 법원은 삼성에게 약할까? 그 근본 원인은 어디에 있는가? 삼성 이건희 일가가 너무도 철두철미하게 돈으로 판사,검사,변호사들을 다 고용하거나 매수해서 그런가?

TV 시청 소감 결론

삼성에 한없이 약한 한국 법원 판결이었다.

박근혜는 "자신은 무죄"라고 항변하지만 항소는 포기할 것으로 예상된다. 

하지만 촛불시민들이 앞장서서 항소해서, 이재용은 뇌물 제공죄, 박근혜와 최순실은 뇌물수수죄를 유죄로 판결받게 해야 한다. 

Former South Korean President Park sentenced to 24 years in prison

Seoul, South Korea (CNN)

A South Korean court has found former President Park Geun-hye guilty on multiple counts of abuse of power, bribery and coercion and sentenced her to 24 years in prison.

Park's conviction brings to close a corruption scandal which gripped South Korea, upending the country's politics and implicating some of the country's most powerful figures.
"The President abused the power which was given to her by the citizens," the judge said, adding a tough sentence was needed to send a firm message to the country's future leaders. 
Prosecutors had asked for Park to receive a 30 year sentence.

Park, 66, was found guilty of 16 of the 18 charges she faced, related to a massive influence-peddling case that removed her from office last year. As well as the prison sentence she was also fined $17 million.

    The former president was not in the Seoul Central District Court to hear the verdict. Park and her lawyers refused to participate after the court decided to live broadcast the judgment, the first time this has happened in South Korea, after a law was passed last year to enable it.
    Park lawyer's are expected to appeal her sentence.
    Outside the court, hundreds of supporters of Park had gathered to watch the verdict on a large screen, waving Korean and US flags and calling for the former president's release. 
    Older, conservative South Koreans, who remembered the dictatorship of Park's father fondly as a period of strength for the country, were her electoral base and a common sight throughout the impeachment process.

    Dramatic downfall

    South Korea's first female president, and the daughter of former dictator Park Chung-hee, Park Geun-hye was arrested in March 2017 shortly after she was stripped of her office by the country's Constitutional Court, which upheld a parliamentary vote to impeach her.
    That vote came after millions of South Koreans took to the streets over a period of several months to demand Park's ouster, after revelations of the alleged massive influence wielded by her adviser and confidant, Choi Soon-sil.

    Choi, the daughter of a cult leader once accused of having "complete control over Park's body and soul during her formative years," held no political office but is accused of using her influence over the President to funnel money to organizations she controlled and get her daughter a place at an elite university.

    South Korea's ousted President behind bars (2017) 01:35

    Park was accused of being unduly influenced by Choi.

     The court which upheld her impeachment agreed with accusations that Park had abused her authority in helping Choi raise donations from companies for foundations she had set up.
    In February, Choi was sentenced to 20 years in jail on 18 charges including abuse of power, coercion, fraud and bribe, and fined $16.6 million.

    Also implicated in the scandal was Samsung chief Lee Jae-yong. The 49-year-old billionaire was found guilty of bribery and other corruption charges last year and sentenced to five years in prison, but in February a higher court reduced his sentence and suspended it for four years.
