버니 샌더스보다는 힐러리 클린턴을 지지했던 폴 크루그먼이 개표 과정에서 다름과 같은 말을 남겼다.
"끔찍한 밤이다. 트럼프가 승리할 지도 몰라서만은 아니다. 투표 결과를 보니, 도시가 아닌 시골 지역에서 백인들이 굉장히 화가 나 있기 때문이다. 내가 알고 있던 것보다 그들의 분노가 심각하다"
" (농업 지역) 백인 유권자들은 트럼프에 대해서 알고 있고, 트럼프 지지한 이유도, 또 왜 트럼프를 지지했는지도 알고 있다. 이렇게 분열된 미국을 어떻게 하나로 통합할 것인가? "
(50개 주 중, 24개 주 개표)
힐러리 클린턴 104 선거인단 확보, 트럼프 129로 트럼프가 앞서고 있다.
하원 선거는 공화당의 승리를 점치고 있다. (ABC 뉴스)
The voters there know what Trump is; they know what they're voting for, and they're doing it anyway. How does our society hold together? 2/
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@paulkrugman We still outnumber them. Be patient. Live from California. This is far from over.
@paulkrugman Is this a joke?
@paulkrugman You are literally the reason that rage exists
@paulkrugman that's because your head is up your ass.
@paulkrugman Well evidently NYC pundits have forgotten them
@paulkrugman Why does your tribe hate us as majority so much un America??
@paulkrugman White America generally. I am embarrassed
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@paulkrugman Yeah I'm shocked your condescending, dismissive limousine liberalism hasn't convinced them yet. Maybe try more derision Paul.
@paulkrugman Maybe it's time to retire
@paulkrugman I'm not trying to be rude, but none of this is news.
@paulkrugman Why? You must want to pay higher taxes. You can always pay more, no one prevents you.
@paulkrugman I once met a prominent, angry fellow on an online forum with the handle 'krugmanisapuppet'. I think he encapsulates this rage.
@paulkrugman Great.
@paulkrugman Oy veyyy I'm already having flashbacks of my lampshaded aunty Shoahshanna Shekelberg oy veyyyy!! :(
@paulkrugman rural white is scary pissed and they have guns
@paulkrugman Time to leave the USA
@paulkrugman Absolutely!!!That's the scariest part!!!!
@paulkrugman this feels exactly like Brexit - when you realise you are completely disconnected. It's terrifying. And only gets worse.
@paulkrugman that's very real
. @paulkrugman @1petermartin The 99% finally outvoting the 1%.
@paulkrugman You'll always have Israel...
@paulkrugman Im scared
@paulkrugman you also said Sanders proven New Deal policies weren't good economically.
@paulkrugman I am so sad that so many in our country would vote for a unqualified bigot over a qualified inclusive woman
@paulkrugman you just realized this now?
@paulkrugman Believe it.
@paulkrugman @GreatDismal I knew. It's scary.
@paulkrugman that's what is most terrifying to me!
@paulkrugman Well maybe they wouldn't be so angry if your kind weren't actively trying to destroy their country.
@paulkrugman What would happen if you identified "rage in black" Chicago and Detroit etc.? I wonder...
@paulkrugman my question is what's going to happen if Trump doesn't come through with his promise if he wins ....
@paulkrugman Paul, should have conversed...you don't know the 1/2 of it have to have lived there to 'get it'. THEY DON'T WANT TO EVOLVE
@paulkrugman also it's utterly revealing of your "morals" and "values" that you IGNORE everything we've learned abt Hillary from wikileaks
@paulkrugman : yes, Killary is such a standout citizen. A career politician with a terrible track record. What a fool!
@paulkrugman if you are willing to lose some of that arrogance, have a cup of coffee with Bernie Sanders and start to listen
@paulkrugman I guess outsourcing them to death has consequences.
@paulkrugman Bill Clinton himself said they've been left behind these last 8 years.
@paulkrugman yes its real rage. you cross one they foam at the mouth and thats driving 10 miles out of buffalo, ny. a blue state
@paulkrugman It's heartbreaking and embarrassing.
@paulkrugman Yep, just don't go on any canoe trips in red states.
@paulkrugman Who do you blame? Because the media and elite have been blaming poor whites for all of the nations problems.
@paulkrugman turns out people don't like having the IRS turned on then bcause of politics.
@paulkrugman its been obviously by the fact that we're here
@paulkrugman Angry with peeps like you.
@paulkrugman You mean your cabdriver didn't clue you in? Or your doorman?
@paulkrugman May be you should get out from NYC more. Booked that ticket yet? Don't wait, you may need to fight @lenadunham for it in cage.
@paulkrugman You don't like to read anyone who disagrees with you, but read Victor Davis Hanson about rural estrangement. Learn something.
@paulkrugman hard to know right, from little white new york bubble eh?
@paulkrugman it means that alt.right racism sexism antisemitism has actually taken hold as a political truth in #GOP & most of US. shameful
@paulkrugman Brexit all over
@paulkrugman No shit!!!!
@paulkrugman I knew it was a serious problem from his announcement speech. How could any1 take him seriously after that? & still, they did.
@paulkrugman deary me Paul. You just don't get it!
@paulkrugman Mr. Krugman, there are a lot of things you are out of touch with. It's NOT the #colorofyourskin
@paulkrugman What do you expect to know? Once you win a Nobel, it all goes downhill from there. Go earn a living for a year for Chrissake!
@paulkrugman @theonlyadult I'm beyond terrified!
@paulkrugman they learnt how to hide it & deceive folk into opposite assumption - DEVIOUS aye STINKS
@paulkrugman Fuck off you limp-wristed elitist.
@paulkrugman what we need to evaluate as a country is the education. This is an indication of how imperative is to update the educ. system.
@paulkrugman I don't have my papers on me, will a drivers license be enough?
@paulkrugman Terrifying? Man up, you little &@?&@.
@paulkrugman We've been seeing this coming for a very long time. It's now festering with Trump at the top of the ticket.
@paulkrugman Now I'm scared. Et tu, Krugman?
@paulkrugman Way to do your part maintaining the charade, Paul. This election has been a fait accompli since about 2008.
@paulkrugman Sounds like you're the one with the rage amigo. Get a life....in fact maybe you ought to find a new line of work. You're a hack
@paulkrugman Think Paul,why they are angry and try to understand and empathise with them. They are your fellow compatriots!
@paulkrugman Why are you the only one talking about race?
@paulkrugman "When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose". He deserved that Nobel prize.
@paulkrugman @IBexWeBex Terrified for the end result, actually sick to my stomach...
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