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money (돈) 의 어원. 주노 모네타 사원. Mint (박하, 돈, 동전 주조, 조폐국)

by 원시 2024. 11. 24.

민트의 2가지 뜻. 박하 사탕에서 '박하' 

두 번째는 돈,화폐이다.

그 기원은 라틴어 '모네타 Moneta' 

로마 시대, 동전을 주조한 곳이 주노 모네타 Juno Moneta 사원이었음.




라틴어 모네타 Moneta 에서 기원. 로마 시대 주노 모네타 사원에서 동전을 주조했다.

주노 모네타는 로마 여신 주노와 모네타를 합친 두 번째 이름이다. 400년 동안 주노 모네타 사원에서 동전이 만들어졌다. ‘모네타민트 :, 화폐를 의미하게 되었다. 영어 단어, 돈을 뜻하는 monetary, money의 기원이 됨.


Mint .

1 뜻은 식물 박하

2 뜻은 돈, 동전 만드는 곳. 조폐국



동전, 메달, 토큰을 만드는 곳.

무엇인가를 만드는 곳.

엄청난 양 혹은 합 (a mint of money - 많은 돈, a mint of trouble 엄청난 고생) 

mintage = 화폐 주조 (coinage)

mint-master 조폐국 장관

mint-fresh 갓 만든, 미사용의 



예문. Michael Saylor, the company is minting $ 500 million a day as Bitcoin (Crypto:BTC) inches closer to $ 100,000 for the first time in its history


Drawing of the Capitoline Hill by Georg Rehlender, 

with the Temple of Juno Moneta at upper right, above the Tabularium.




2 of 4

noun (2)


: a place where coins, medals, or tokens are made


: a place where something is manufactured


: a vast sum or amount

worth a mint



3 of 4


minted; minting; mints

transitive verb



: to make (coins or money) out of metal : coin


: create, produce


: to cause to attain an indicated status

newly minted doctors

minter noun





Noun (1)


Middle English minte, from Old English, from Latin mentha, menta; akin to Greek minthē mint


Noun (2)


Middle English mynt coin, money, from Old English mynet, from Latin moneta mint, coin, from Moneta, epithet of Juno; from the fact that the Romans coined money in the temple of Juno Moneta




The Temple of Juno Moneta (Latin: Templum Iunonis Monetæ) was an ancient Roman temple that stood on the Arx or the citadel on the Capitoline Hill overlooking the Roman Forum.[2] Located at the center of the city of Rome, it was next to the place where Roman coins were first minted, and probably stored the metal and coins involved in this process, thereby initiating the ancient practice of associating mints with temples.[3] In addition, it was the place where the books of the magistrates were deposited.


Juno Moneta, the second name associating the Roman goddess Juno with the goddess Moneta who was worshiped at some locations outside Rome, was regarded as the protectress of the city's funds.


 Money was coined in her temple for over four centuries, before the mint was moved to a new location near the Colosseum during the reign of the emperor Domitian.[1] Thus, moneta came to mean "mint" (mint itself being a corruption of moneta) in Latin, which was used in written works of ancient Roman writers such as Ovid, Martial, Juvenal, and Cicero, and was the origin of the English words "monetary" and "money".


고대 로마 사원. 로마 포럼을 내려다 보는 카피톨리네 언덕에 있는 요새에 자리잡고 있었다.

로마 중심에 위치함. 로마 동전이 처음으로 주조된 곳.



in American English




a.  a place where money is coined by authority of the government

b.  [M-]

a government bureau in charge of this

2.  an apparently unlimited supply; large amount

a mint of ideas

3.  Informal

a large amount of money; fortune

4.  a source of manufacture or invention


5.  new or in its original condition, as if freshly minted

a postage stamp in mint condition

verb transitive

6.  to coin (money) by stamping metal

7.  to invent or create; fabricate


mint condition


: perfect condition : a state of being like new

He kept the car in mint condition.

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